Before reading this article, you should know:
- Transaction: a sequence of read and write operations
- processing: BEGIN -> (executing) -> COMMIT/ABORT
- Atomicity: All-or-nothing
- Consistent: It looks correct to me
- Isolation: every TX is isolated from others (as if alone)
- Durability: store in non-volatile devices (survive failures)
How to make sure transaction is atomic
- Approach 1: Logging
- Approach 2: Shadow Paging
The essential of concurrency control
- Serial Schedule
The definition of conflict
- They are by different transactions
- They are on the same object and at least one of them is a write
- RW/WR/WW conflict:
- Unrepeatable reads
- Reading uncommitted data (a.k.a., Dirty Reads)
- Overwriting committed data
Dependency Graphs (Precedence Graph)
- conflict: acyclic
- blind write: write a value without read it
- Phase 1: Growing => get all required locks from manager [grants/denies]
- Phase 2: Shrinking => release all locks it gained
- Strict 2PL: release all locks at the end of TX
2PL Deadlock Prevention
- Wait-Die (old waits for young)
- Wound-Wait (young waits for old)